Nutrition And Your Hair

Did you know that the hair follicle is one of the most metabolically active areas of the body? So, it is very sensitive to any shortage in nutrients. Hair can grow up to half an inch a month but needs all the nutrients needed for hair growth handy. So, make sure you eat a well-rounded diet with a variety of proteins, leafy vegetables and fruits. Your diet should contain the following vitamins and macronutrients: vitamin A, C,E,  selenium and zinc . 

If you have experienced some hair loss, you may need a boost to your hair regrowth journey by getting these vitamins and nutrients in a hair skin and nails multivitamin in the doses they are needed to support hair growth. In addition to the basics of vitamins A,CE, selenium and zinc, additional components of a hair multivitamin that have a supporting role for growing hair may be biotin, B vitamin complex, Vitamin D.   Biotin is a vitamin that aids in the production of keratin, a protein responsible for forming hair, skin, and nails.  It is commonly used in patients experiencing hair disorders. Studies have shown that biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss, however, there is no definite proof that it promotes hair growth unless a deficiency is present, and biotin deficiency is not common. Unfortunately, supplemental biotin is also known to interfere with thyroid and heart testing, so consult with your physician before modifying your diet or supplement regimen.  B vitamin complex refers to the eight types of B vitamins [Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), Biotin (B7), Folate/folic acid (B9), Cyanocobalamin (B12)] that the body uses to turn nutrients such as carbohydrates into fuel. It is also responsible for promoting cell growth which is critical to healthy hair and skin.Vitamin D is a nutrient that is naturally present in some foods and added to others as a supplement. It is also produced when the body is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D helps to maintain strong bones, a healthy immune system, glucose metabolism, neuromuscular health and reduces inflammation.  Surprisingly, scientists have been able to link a weakened immune system to alopecia , i.e. hair loss,  as well as seborrheic dermatitis, which is caused by inflammation of the skin .  Thus Vitamin D has a role to play in achieving healthy hair and skin. As we discuss different types of hair loss, we will talk some more about some of the dietary components and supplements that may have some role in these various conditions.  

Here’s a bonus tip, a lot of these nutrients can also be delivered to the scalp directly as oils which act locally on the scalp. It’s kind of like adding fertilizer, which is really a concentrated form of nutrients, to soil to help your plants to grow.  However, as you know, root stimulator can’t make your plants grow if other factors aren’t also optimized, such as the quality of the soil (which you can think of as the state of your scalp and your general health and nutritional status). Many micro-nutrients also support hair growth, so you may see some of these hair multivitamins too. See the next blog on micro-nutrients.

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    Price Table

    Services & Pricing

    We prioritize a high quality, customized service that allows our patients easy access to our team and ample time to address their needs. Our direct care model of payment enables personalized care, transparent and predictable pricing with no surprise bills after the visit. We have worked to set our cash only services at reasonable rates and offer services at lower rates than insurance based billing. As such, our appointments range between $97 and $297, varying based on appointment types. Pricing for additional services varies and is fully explained before services are delivered. Our services are not reimbursable by Medicare or Medicaid.

    Medical Visits

    • New Patient Acne
    • Follow up Acne
    • Telemedicine Follow up Acne*
    • New Patient Hairloss (includes 1biopsy +nurse post op if indicated)
    • Follow up Hairloss
    • New Patient General(includes 1 biopsy + nurse post op if indicated)
    • Follow up General
    • Telemedicine Follow up General *
    • Skin Biopsy(Each)
    • Excision (depends on size, diagnosis)
    • Benign destruction (depends on quantity)
    • Skin tag removal (depends on quantity)
    • Wart treatment (depends on quantity)
    • Wart treatment (depends on quantity)
    • Premalignant destruction (depends on quantity)

    Cosmetic Services/session

    • Cosmetic Consultation
    • Facials
    • Superficial chemical peels
    • Medium depth chemical peels
    • Microneedling pen
    • PRP

    *Dr approval for telemedicine appointments

    N.B: The listed pricing is for in office charges only. Lab, pathology, imaging and medications are billed
    separately by outside facilities. It is possible that your insurance may cover these services